TK 56218-2-OP-EN
resume normal operation. If a Wakeup Time is selected, the following
features are available:
Day to Wake Up: This feature allows the day the unit is to wake up to
be specified.
Hour to Wake Up: This feature allows the hour the unit is to wake up
to be specified.
Minute to Wake Up: This feature allows the minute the unit is to wake
up to be specified.
Run Pretrip on Wakeup: This feature allows a Pretrip Test to be
automatically run when the unit wakes up.
Electric Standby Option
The Diesel/Electric Standby selection from the Main Menu allows the
operator to manually select diesel or electric mode operation on units
equipped with the electric standby SmartPower option. The unit can also be
programmed to automatically switch to Electric Mode operation when
standby power is available and to automatically switch to Diesel Mode
operation if standby power fails or is removed. If the unit is programmed to
automatically switch from diesel to electric and/or electric to diesel, the
associated screens do not appear.
If the unit is currently operating in Diesel Mode, the ELECTRIC STANDBY
selection will appear in the Main Menu.
If the unit is currently operating in Electric Mode, the DIESEL MODE
selection will appear in the Main Menu.
Electric Mode Operation
If a unit equipped with the electric standby SmartPower option is running in
Diesel Mode, the Diesel to Electric Auto-Switch feature is set NO and the unit
is connected to a source of standby power, this feature allows the operator
to manually select electric mode operation. This feature does not appear if
the electric standby SmartPower option is not installed or if the Diesel to
Electric Auto-Switch feature is set YES.
Diesel Mode Operation
If a unit equipped with the electric standby SmartPower option is running in
Electric Mode and the Electric to Diesel Auto-Switch feature is set NO, this
feature allows the operator to manually select diesel mode operation. This
feature does not appear if the electric standby SmartPower option is not
installed or if the Electric to Diesel Auto-Switch feature is set YES.