Nix Product Manual |
Wiring and Connections
INGENIA | 01/22/2019
7.5.5 Motor brake output (GPO1, GPO2)
Electromechanical brakes are needed in critical applications where the disconnection of the motor or a lack of
electric braking could be dangerous or harmful (i.e. falling suspended loads). Nix Servo Drive can use the digital
outputs (GPO1 and GPO2) as a brake output. This output consists on an open drain MOSFET (1 A and 24 V). Further
specifications can be found in
Next figure show how the typical connection using the main supply as brake power supply.
Motor brake operation
For brake operation of a GPO, this function has to be configured through
The brake operation is usually configured for normally locked electromechanical brakes; that is, brakes
that by default block the movement of the motor shaft. For this reason,
the switch is controlled with
inverted logic, being activated to allow the rotation of the shaft
. This kind of brakes increase the safety
of the application, because in a drive power failure, the switch would be opened and therefore the brake