Basic Device Manual AS-i ControllerE M4 Target V15
Error description
RTS errors: error codes R01...R46
Error message
Missing positive CPTE edge
During communication with the master a
change in the state of the control signal
was not detected.
Possible cause:
operating system software error.
► Reinstall operating system.
Master1: Unnormal operation
The master signals that it is not in the
"normal operating mode".
Possible causes:
1. The master detects an AS-i voltage
below 22 V and therefore goes into
the "offline mode".
► Use of a switched-mode power
supply to supply the device.
2. The master received a request from
the operating system to go to the
"offline mode".
► Check cause of the wrong
command and correct
3. The master found a transmission
error in the communication with the
operating system.
→ R15
4. Although connected to the AS-i
power supply, the master found no
slave on the AS-i bus.
► Check and correct wiring on the
AS-i bus
Other causes which can lead to an error
message directly after power-on:
5. Initialisation of the master during
power-on of the device failed.
→ page
, error message B01
6. The master has not yet received the
projection nor the projected
parameters from the operating
→ page
, error message B01
7. The master has not yet been started
by the operating system.
→ page
, error message B01
Master2: Unnormal operation
→ R25
Only for AC1305/06, AC1325/26
Profibus PLC access violation
The PLC tried to access the protected
address area of Profibus DP ASIC.
Possible cause:
A PLC project supporting an Anybus
fieldbus card was loaded.
► Remove functions from the PLC
project which control the Anybus
Execution password protected.
A function of the device was requested
which is not allowed with the currently
active password.
► Select higher password level: