Basic Device Manual AS-i ControllerE M4 Target V15
Boot project / source code
Transmit source code from the PC to the controllere
The controllere gives you the option of automatically transmitting the source code of the boot project to
the controllere. What for?
The source code contains all the data of your project, i.e. also the comments of your programs. If this
data is stored in the controllere, a service technician can continue to work with the program on the
machine, even if he does not have the original project on his PC.
The controllere has memory space of approx. 130 Kbytes for the source code. For larger files (→ size
indicated in the download window) the source code download is aborted.
The setting shown here automatically sends the source data together with the boot project to the
► To do so, the following option must be
activated in the CoDeSys
► [Project] > [Options...] > select [Source
Menu [Options] > [Source download]
► Timing = [Implicit on create boot project]
Extent = [Source code only]
► Confirm with [OK]
The source code is also transmitted to the controllere when creating the boot project