Basic Device Manual AS-i ControllerE M4 Target V15
On this manual
What devices are described in this manual?
What devices are described in this manual?
This manual describes the AS-i controllere family of
ifm electronic gmbh
with master profile M4
with AS-i version 3.0 masters
with a firmware from version RTS 2.2
with the target from V.15.
In the "programming manual CoDeSys
2.3" more information about the use of the programming
system "CoDeSys for Automation Alliance" is given. This manual can be downloaded free of charge
website at:
> Select country/language > [Service] > [Download] > [Bus system AS-Interface]
Description of the corresponding fieldbus or Ethernet programming interface
→ separate supplementary manual for this device manual.
How is this manual structured?
This manual is a combination of different instruction types. It is for beginners and also a reference for
advanced users.
How to use this manual:
To find a certain subject straight away, please use the
table of contents
at the beginning of
this manual.
With the
at the end of the manual you can quickly find the term you are looking for.
At the beginning of a chapter we will give you a brief overview of its contents.
In the
of each page you can find the title of the current chapter in bold. Below is the
current title of the second order.
In the
of each page you can find the chapter-related number of the page.
Abbreviations and technical terms
We reserve the right to make alterations which can result in a change of contents of the manual. You
can find the current version on
website at:
> Select country/language > [Service] > [Download] > [Bus system AS-Interface]
Nobody is perfect. Send us your suggestions for improvements to this manual and you will receive a
little gift from us to thank you.
© All rights reserved by
ifm electronic gmbh
. No part of this manual may be reproduced and used
without the consent of
ifm electronic gmbh