Device Manual SmartSPS AC14 with EtherNet/IP interface (AC1421, AC1422), Firmware 3.1.2
Safety instructions
Tampering with the unit
Tampering with the unit
Tampering with the units can affect the safety of operators and machinery!
Tampering with the units is not allowed.
In case of non-compliance our liability and warranty expire.
► Do not open the devices!
► Do not insert any objects into the devices!
► Prevent metal foreign bodies from penetrating!
Start-up behaviour of the controller
Danger due to unintentional and dangerous start of machine or plant sections!
► When creating the program, the programmer must ensure that no unintentional and dangerous
start of machines or plant sections after a fault (e.g. e-stop) and the following fault elimination can
Realise restart inhibit!
► In case of an error, set the outputs concerned to FALSE in the program!
A restart can, for example, be caused by:
• voltage restoration after power failure
• reset after watchdog response because of too long a cycle time
• error elimination after an E-stop
To ensure a safe behaviour of the controller:
► monitor the voltage supply in the application program.
► In case of an error switch off all relevant outputs in the application program.
► Monitor actuators which can cause hazardous movements in the application program (feedback).
► Monitor relay contacts which can cause hazardous movements in the application program
► If necessary, ensure that welded relay contacts in the application project cannot trigger or continue
hazardous movements.