Application Guide - NP900 Series
366 (504
Table Measurements
Description / values
0: Primary A
1: Secondary A
2: Per unit
Active phase current measurement from IL1(A), IL2(B) and
IL3(C) phases in given scalings.
Thermal Image
0:Thermal image calc.
TT> Trip expect mode: No trip expected / Trip expected
TT> time to 100% theta: Time to reach 100% thermal cap
TT> reference T curr.: Reference / pick-up value (IEQ)
TT> Active meas curr.: Measured max TRMS current at the
TT> T est.with act curr.: Estimate of used thermal capacity
with current at the moment
TT> T at the moment: Thermal capacity used at the moment
1: Temp estimates
TT> Used k for amb.temp: Ambient correction factor at the
TT> Max.Temp.Rise All: Maximum temperature rise allowed
TT> Temp.Rise atm: Calculated temperature rise at the
TT> Hot Spot estimate: Estimated hot spot temperature
including the ambient temperature
TT> Hot Spot Max. All: Maximum allowed temperature for
the object
2: Timing status
TT> Trip delay remaining: Time to reach 100% theta
TT> Trip time to rel.: Time to theta to reach under trip limit
when cooling
TT> Alarm 1 time to rel.: Time to theta to reach under Alarm
1 limit when cooling
TT> Alarm 2 time to rel.: Time to theta to reach under Alarm
2 limit when cooling
TT> Inhibit time to rel.: Time to theta to reach under Inhibit
limit when cooling
Table Counters
Description / values
Alarm1 inits
Times the TOLT function has activated the Alarm 1 output
Alarm2 inits
Times the TOLT function has activated the Alarm 2 output
Restart inhibits
Times the TOLT function has activated the Restart inhibit output
Times the TOLT function has tripped
Trips Blocked
Times the TOLT function trips has been blocked
The TOLT function generates events and registers from the status changes of the Trip
activated and blocked signals. To main event buffer is possible to select status “On” or
“Off” messages.
In the function is available 12 last registers where the triggering event of the function (Trip
activated or blocked) is recorded with time stamp and process data values.