Application Guide - NP900 Series
208 (504
The settings for different comparison setting are in setting groups which means by
changing the setting group each signal parameter can be changed by a signal.
When setting the comparators you first choose the comparator mode. The following
modes are available:
0=Over >
Greater than. If the measured signal is higher than the set pick-up level, the comparison
condition is fulfilled.
1=Over(abs) >
Bigger than (absolute). If the absolute value of the measured signal is higher than the set pick-
up level, the comparison condition is fulfilled.
2=Under <
Less than. If the measured signal is less than the set pick-up level, the comparison condition is
fulfilled. A blocking limit can also be set. This means the comparison is not active when
measured value is under the set blocking limit.
3=Under(abs) <
Less than (absolute). If the absolute value of the measured signal is less than the set pick-up
level, the comparison condition is fulfilled. A blocking limit can also be set. This means the
comparison is not active when measured value is under the set blocking limit.
4=Delta set(%) +/- >
Relative change over time. If the measured signal changes more than the set relative pick-up
value in 20ms, the comparison condition is fulfilled. The condition is dependent on direction.
5=Delta abs(%) >
Relative change over time (absolute). If the measured signal changes more than the set
relative pick-up value in 20ms to either direction, the comparison condition is fulfilled. The
condition is not dependent on direction.
6=Delta +/- measval
Change over time. If the measured signal changes more than the set pick-up value in 20ms,
the comparison condition is fulfilled. The condition is dependent on direction.
7=Delta abs measval
Change over time (absolute). If the measured signal changes more than the set pick-up value
in 20ms to either direction, the comparison condition is fulfilled. The condition is not dependent
on direction.