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Limitation of SMART mode
The SMART mode may be limited in
following situations. (The OFF indica-
tor illuminates in those situations.)
• The driver manually moves the
shift lever :
It deactivates SMART mode. The
vehicle drives, as the driver manu-
ally moves the shift lever.
• The cruise control is activated :
The cruise control system may
deactivate the SMART mode when
the vehicle is controlled by the set
speed of the smart cruise control
system. (SMART mode is not
deactivated just by activating the
cruise control system.)
• The transmission oil temperature is
either extremely low or extremely
high :
The SMART mode can be active in
most of the normal driving situa-
tions. However, an extremely high/
low transmission oil temperature
may temporarily deactivate the
SMART mode, because the trans-
mission condition is out of normal
operation condition.
Smart Shift in Trip Computer
Select the Trip Computer mode (
on the instrument cluster LCD display
and move to the smart shift screen.
Then, the driver can see the drive
mode selected and the drive mode
which is automatically switched by
the SMART mode.
The drive mode selected by the driv-
er (1) and the driving style gauge (2)
showing the driver's driving style are
displayed on the screen.
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