Digital Readout Boxes
i-Pilot Link Data Boxes
The i-Pilot Link Data Bar displays the following information in the preset data boxes:
Change the Data Boxes (optional)
To change the data boxes displayed in the data bar, see your control head operations manual.
Data Box
Data Box Description
The current method of navigation. For example, whether you are currently navigating
to a waypoint, route point, Spot-Lock, etc. Or, if you are currently navigating an iTrack,
route, contour, or navigating with AutoPilot (Advanced or Legacy).
Heading (Hdg)
The direction the boat is pointing, measured in degrees. Due to wind and waves, the
boat is often traveling in a slightly different direction than its heading. See Course Over
Ground (COG).
Propeller Status and Speed
The current i-Pilot Link propeller status (on, on and rotating, off) and the propeller
Cross Track Error (XTE)
The straight-line distance of the boat from the intended Track. XTE measures how far
the boat is off course.
Course Over Ground (COG)
The current direction the boat is traveling, measured in degrees from North. When the
COG is equal to Bearing, the boat is said to be on course and will arrive at the
destination in the most efficient manner.
Bearing (Brg)
The compass direction from the vessel position to the next waypoint or route point.
Distance to Go (DTG) +
Time to Go (TTG)
The distance between the vessel position and the next point on the current route, and
the estimated time required to reach the next point on the current route.