Installing and Routing Fibers Between Subracks
After the fiber installation, insert fiber plugs in idle ports and cover idle fibers with fiber caps.
Take priority to use 2 m fibers for cascading subracks inside a cabinet. The internally cascaded fibers must
be separate from the external fibers. Ensure that these cascaded cables are not intertwisted with the
external fibers.
Choose a coiling first and then the smaller spool. The fibers should not be coiled too tightly or too loosely.
Ensure that the bending radius of fibers is not less than 30 mm.
Do not look or stare into optical fibers directly without eye protection.
Area for routing internal
cascading fibers
Internal cascading fibers have been routed on the fiber
spools of a subrack before delivery. During onsite
expansion, spool internal cascading fibers and external
fibers in the fiber management frames. Only a small
number of fibers can be spooled in a fiber management