WFS 101545 Operations Manual
Each filter housing has a “In-
Flow” ball valve and an “Out-
Flow”. During normal operation
only the valves on one housing
should be open while the other
housing valves are closed.
When the pressure reading
indicates that filter elements
require change-out both the In-
Flow and the Out-Flow valves
on the standby unit should be
opened. After all valves are
opened the In-Flow and Out-
Flow valves on the unit that was
in service can be closed.
Open the air-bleed valve on top to remove any residual pressure. Then the top cover can be
removed to replace the used filter elements.
Air Bleed Valves
On top of each filter housing is an air bleed valve.
These permit the housing to fill with water during
commissioning. See Figure 5-19
Leak Detector
A leak detection system will shut down all pumps and the chiller in the event that a leak is detected.
The sensing strip is applied down the center of the base. If even a small amount of water is detected
the system initiates an E-Stop. (See Figure5-20)
Sensing strip