Nonoperating Temperature, Humidity, and Altitude
-22° to 140° F (-30° to 60° C)
Maximum rate of change: 36° F/hr (20° C/hr)
Reasonable rate of change with noncondensing relative humidity during the transition
from warm to cold
Relative humidity: 10% to 85%, noncondensing
Altitude: 0 to 40,000 feet (0 to 12,000 meters)
Cooling Airflow Direction
Each enclosure includes its own forced-air cooling fans or blowers. Air flow for each enclosure
enters from the front of the modular cabinet and rack and exhausts at the rear.
Typical Acoustic Noise Emissions
70 dB(A) (sound pressure level at operator position)
Tested Electrostatic Immunity
Contact discharge: 8 KV
Air discharge: 20 KV
Calculating Specifications for Enclosure Combinations
Power and thermal calculations assume that each enclosure in the cabinet is fully populated.
The power and heat load is less when enclosures are not fully populated, such as a Fibre Channel
disk module with fewer disk drives.
AC current calculations assume that one PDU delivers all power. In normal operation, the power
is split equally between the two PDUs in the cabinet. However, calculate the power load to assume
delivery from only one PDU to allow the system to continue to operate if one of the two AC power
sources or PDUs fails.
“Example of Cabinet Load Calculations” (page 71)
lists the weight, power, and thermal calculations
for a 42U NS2100 commercial system with:
Four blade elements
Two VIO enclosures
Two SAS disk enclosures and two Storage CLIMs
50 SAS disk drives in two enclosures
Two rack-mounted system consoles with keyboard/monitor units
Two maintenance switches
For a total thermal load for a system with multiple cabinets, add the heat outputs for all the
cabinets in the system.
Table 6 Example of Cabinet Load Calculations
Heat (BTU/hour)
Power Consumption
Calculating Specifications for Enclosure Combinations