CAL:SETup?, 81-82, 179
CAL:STORe, 26, 140, 180
CAL:TARE, 138-140, 181-182
CAL:TARE, changing gains or filters, 140, 182
CAL:TARE, maximum tare offsets, 140, 182
CAL:TARE, operation, 138
CAL:TARE, resetting, 139
CAL:TARE, thermocouple wire, 138, 181
CAL:TARE:RESet, 140, 184
CAL:TARE?, 183
CAL:VALue:RESistance, 184
CAL:VALue:VOLTage, 185
CAL:ZERO?, 186
control registers, 342, 345-346
grounding, causing noise, 402
synchronizing multiple, 115
VME memory, 210-212
Certification, 9
gains or filters, 140, 182
timer interval while scanning, 162, 273
calibration, 179, 275-276
See also Channels
data modifier, 108
dummy, 108
gain, amplifier SCPs, 207
groups, scanning rate, 120-121
list parameters, 155
lowest autorange, 192
measurements, averaging, 132
measurements, pacing, 226-227
numbers and SCP positions, 34
offsets, 182
offsets, calibration, 275
offsets, unexpected, 140
SCP registers, 361-362
strain bridge SCPs, 208
calibrating (IMPORTANT!), 81-82
See also Channel
cutoff frequency, 204-205
floor settings to FIFO, 193
limit testing, 171-172
linking to EU conversion, 72-80, 136, 241-247
lower limit, 169-171
programmable filter SCP, 206
scanning at absolute rate, 121
scanning at different rates, 120-121
scanning reference temperature, 42
settling time, adding, 146
settling time, checking, 145
signal connection, 43-44
upper limit, 172-174
channel settling time, 145
Clear Status Command, 276
auto-arm bits, 343
current value table, 202-203
enable registers, 127
event registers, 128, 276
FIFO, 202-203, 235
free-run bits, 343
*CLS, 276
module, base address, 337
module, using with HP VEE, 394
register, 341
registers, 342, 356
sequences, defined, 29
Command Reference, 149-290
ABORt subsystem, 159
ARM subsystem, 160-162
*CAL?, 275-276
CALCulate subsystem, 163-174
CALibration subsystem, 175-186
*CLS, 276
DIAGnostic subsystem, 187-196
*DMC, 276
*EMC, 276
*EMC?, 276
*ESE, 277
*ESE?, 277
*ESR?, 277
FETCh? command, 197-198
FORMat subsystem, 199-201
*GMC?, 277
*IDN?, 277-278
INITiate subsystem, 202-203
INPut subsystem, 204-208
*LMC?, 278
MEMory subsystem, 209-212
*OPC, 278
*OPC?, 278-279
OUTPut subsystem, 213-219
*PMC, 279
register-based, 356-374
*RMC, 279
ROUTe subsystem, 220-225
*RST, 279
SAMPle subsystem, 226-227
HP E1313A/E1413C User’s Manual Index 409
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