Index 148
120PCI.HAM 50
accelerator error log 73
accelerator status 74, 75, 76
ACPI support 50
ACU (Array Configuration Utility) 54
adapters 76
additional information 70
ADU (Array Diagnostic Utility) 63
ADU Error Messages 73
Altiris Deployment Solution 57
Altiris eXpress Deployment Server 57
application software problems 52
array accelerator board 73, 74, 76, 80, 81, 92,
112, 114, 122, 123
array configuration 54
Array Configuration Utility (ACU) 54
Array Diagnostic Utility (ADU) 63
ASR (Automatic Server Recovery) 58, 124
AT commands 45, 46
audio 45
audio problems 45
auto-configuration process 56
Automatic Server Recovery (ASR) 58
Autorun menu 54
backup issue, tape drive 38
backup, restoring 51
batteries, insufficient warning when low 33
battery 33, 81, 109
beep codes 92
BIOS Serial Console 56
BIOS upgrade 58
blank screen 43
blue screen event 125
booting problems 35
booting the server 35
cables 15, 83, 88, 89
cables, VGA 44
cabling 70
cache, replacing 74
Care Pack 65
cautions 13
CD-ROM drive 35
Change Control 64
clustering software guidelines 61
color 44
COM port 109
command syntax 53
command-line syntax error 53
common problem resolution 15
common problems 15
configuration errors 88, 89
configuration of system 54, 71
configuration tools 54
connection errors 46, 47
connection problems 15, 46
contacting HP 138, 139
controllers, array 83, 84, 89, 90, 113, 115, 116,
creating a disk image 57
critical error 94
CSR (customer self repair) 138
customer self repair (CSR) 138
data loss 36
data recovery 36, 39
deployment software 57
diagnose tab, HP Insight Diagnostics 62
diagnosing problems 62
diagnostic tools 54, 57, 58, 61, 62
diagnostics utility 61
dial tone 45
DIMMs 103, 104, 105
dirty data 74
diskette drive 36
diskette drive problems 36, 37