Index 151
read/write errors 36, 37
read/write issue, tape drive 38
redundant ROM 65, 98, 113
registering the server 71
Remote Insight Lights-Out Edition II (RILOE II) 50, 58
remote ROM flash 52, 53
remote ROM flash problems 52
remote support and analysis tools 63
required information 139
Resource Paqs 64
resources 69
resources, troubleshooting 69
restoring 51
RILOE II (Remote Insight Lights-Out Edition II) 50, 58
ROM error 95, 98
ROM legacy USB support 61
ROM update utility 67
ROM, types 65
ROM, updating 53
ROM-Based Setup Utility (RBSU) 35, 55
ROMPaq Disaster Recovery 53
ROMPaq utility 58, 64, 66
safety considerations 12
SAS drives 16
SATA hard drive 16
SCO 141
scripted installation 55
serial number 57
server blade management module error codes 127
server documentation 69, 70, 71, 72
server features and options 70
server management 70, 71
server setup 70, 76
service notifications 15
Service Packs 50
short circuits 43
Smart Array SCSI Diagnosis feature 62
SmartStart autorun menu 54
SmartStart Scripting Toolkit 55
SmartStart software 70, 71
SmartStart, overview 54
SoftPaqs 64
software 49, 54
software errors 52
software failure 52
software problems 49
software resources 54, 71
software troubleshooting 49, 52
specifications, option 72
specifications, server 72
start diagnosis flowchart 20
storage enclosure 86, 87
storage, external 70
StorageWorks Library and Tape Tools (L&TT) 59
stuck tape 37
Subscriber's Choice 69
Sun Solaris 50, 142
support 63
support packs 54
supported operating systems 64
Survey Utility 62
switches 71
symbols in text 14, 72
symbols on equipment 12, 72
syntax 53
syntax error 53
System Erase Utility 59
System Management Homepage 61
system not supported 53
system ROM 65
Systems Insight Manager 59
tape drives 37
tape drives, failure of 37
teardown procedures 72
technical topics 72
temperature 99, 109
temperature, overtemperature LED 16
testing devices 35
third-party devices 35
troubleshooting 17, 32
troubleshooting resources 69
unknown problem 34
updating the firmware 66, 67
updating the operating system 50
UPS (uninterruptible power supply) 33
USB support 61
utilities 54
utilities, deployment 55, 57
video colors 44
video problems 43, 44