Figure 1-1
Local port mirroring implementation
Mirroring port
Monitor port
Data monitoring device
Mirroring port
How the device processes packets
Monitor port
mirrored to
Remote port mirroring
Remote port mirroring can mirror all packets but protocol packets.
Remote port mirroring is implemented through the cooperation of a remote source mirroring group and
a remote destination mirroring group as shown
Figure 1-2
Figure 1-2
Remote port mirroring implementation (with an egress port)
Remote mirroring involves the following device roles:
Source device
The source device is the device where the mirroring ports are located. On it, you must create a remote
source mirroring group to hold the mirroring ports.
The source device copies the packets passing through the mirroring ports, broadcasts the packets in
the remote probe VLAN for remote mirroring, and transmits the packets to the next device, which could
be an intermediate device (if any) or the destination device.
Intermediate device
Intermediate devices are devices located in between the source device and the destination device.
An intermediate device forwards mirrored packets to the next intermediate device (if any) or the
destination device.
You must ensure that the source device and the destination device can communicate at Layer 2 in the
remote probe VLAN.