Configuring NDP Parameters
A port enabled with NDP periodically sends NDP packets to its neighbors. If no NDP information from
the neighbor is received when the holdtime times out, the corresponding entry is removed from the NDP
Follow these steps to configure NDP parameters:
To do…
Use the command…
Enter system view
Configure the interval for
sending NDP packets
ndp timer hello hello-time
60 seconds by default.
Configure the period for the
receiving device to keep the
NDP packets
ndp timer aging aging-time
180 seconds by default.
The time for the receiving device to hold NDP packets cannot be shorter than
the interval for sending
NDP packets; otherwise, the
NDP table
may become instable.
Enabling NTDP Globally and for Specific Ports
For NTDP to work normally, you must enable NTDP both globally and on specific ports.
Follow these steps to enable NTDP globally and for specific ports:
To do…
Use the command…
Enter system view
Enable NTDP globally
ntdp enable
Enabled by default
interface interface-type
Enable NTDP for the port
ntdp enable
NTDP is enabled on all ports by
You are recommended to disable NTDP on the port which connects with the devices that do not need to
join the cluster, preventing the management device from adding the device which needs not to join the
cluster and collecting the topology information of this device.
Configuring NTDP Parameters
By configuring the maximum hops for collecting topology information, you can get topology information