Table 3-3
How a voice VLAN-enable port processes packets in security/normal mode
Voice VLAN
working mode
Packet type
Packet processing mode
Untagged packets
Packets carrying the
voice VLAN tag
If the source MAC address of a packet matches an OUI
address configured for the device, it is forwarded in the
voice VLAN; otherwise, it is dropped.
Security mode
Packets carrying
other tags
Forwarded or dropped depending on whether the port
allows packets of these VLANs to pass through
Untagged packets
Packets carrying the
voice VLAN tag
The port does not check the source MAC addresses of
inbound packets. All types of packets can be transmitted
in the voice VLAN.
Normal mode
Packets carrying
other tags
Forwarded or dropped depending on whether the port
allows packets of these VLANs to pass through
Configuring a Voice VLAN
Configuration Prerequisites
Before configuring a VLAN as a voice VLAN, create the VLAN first. Note that you cannot configure
VLAN 1 (the system-default VLAN) as a voice VLAN.
Setting a Port to Operate in Automatic Voice VLAN Assignment Mode
Follow these steps to set a port to operate in automatic voice VLAN assignment mode:
To do...
Use the command...
Enter system view
Set the voice VLAN aging time
voice vlan aging
1440 minutes by default.
The voice VLAN aging time
configuration is only applicable
on ports in automatic voice
VLAN assignment mode.
Enable the voice VLAN security
voice vlan security enable
Enabled by default.
Add a recognizable OUI
voice vlan mac-address oui
mask oui-mask
By default, each voice VLAN
has default OUI addresses
configured. Refer to
Table 3-1
for the default OUI addresses
of different vendors.
Enter Ethernet interface view