[Device-luser-localuser] attribute idle-cut 20
[Device-luser-localuser] quit
# Create RADIUS scheme
and enter its view.
[Device] radius scheme radius1
# Configure the IP addresses of the primary authentication and accounting RADIUS servers.
[Device-radius-radius1] primary authentication
[Device-radius-radius1] primary accounting
# Configure the IP addresses of the secondary authentication and accounting RADIUS servers.
[Device-radius-radius1] secondary authentication
[Device-radius-radius1] secondary accounting
# Specify the shared key for the device to exchange packets with the authentication server.
[Device-radius-radius1] key authentication name
# Specify the shared key for the device to exchange packets with the accounting server.
[Device-radius-radius1] key accounting money
# Set the interval for the device to retransmit packets to the RADIUS server and the maximum number
of transmission attempts.
[Device-radius-radius1] timer response-timeout 5
[Device-radius-radius1] retry 5
# Set the interval for the device to send real time accounting packets to the RADIUS server.
[Device-radius-radius1] timer realtime-accounting 15
# Specify the device to remove the domain name of any username before passing the username to the
RADIUS server.
[Device-radius-radius1] user-name-format without-domain
[Device-radius-radius1] quit
# Create domain
and enter its view.
[Device] domain aabbcc.net
# Set
as the RADIUS scheme for users of the domain and specify to use local authentication as
the secondary scheme.
[Device-isp-aabbcc.net] authentication default radius-scheme radius1 local
[Device-isp-aabbcc.net] authorization default radius-scheme radius1 local
[Device-isp-aabbcc.net] accounting default radius-scheme radius1 local
# Set the maximum number of users for the domain as 30.
[Device-isp-aabbcc.net] access-limit enable 30
# Enable the idle cut function and set the idle cut interval.
[Device-isp-aabbcc.net] idle-cut enable 20
[Device-isp-aabbcc.net] quit
# Configure
as the default domain.
[Device] domain default enable aabbcc.net
# Enable 802.1X globally.
[Device] dot1x