Creating a User Profile
Configuration Prerequisites
Before creating a user profile, you need to configure authentication parameters. User profile supports
802.1X and portal authentications. You can select one of them to authenticate users based on the
actual networking when users access the network. However, you need to perform the related
configurations (for example, username, password, authentication scheme, domain and binding
between a user profile and user) on the client, the device and authentication server.
Creating a User Profile
Follow these steps to create a user profile:
To do…
Use the command…
Enter system view
Create a user
profile, and enter
DOT1X view
profile-name dot1x
Create a user
profile, and enter
the corresponding
user profile view
Create a user
profile, and enter
user-profile portal
profile-name portal
Use one of the two approaches
If the specified user profile
already exists, you will directly
enter the corresponding user
profile view.
The two user profile views
respectively correspond to the
three upper layer authentication
types 802.1X and portal.
The configuration made in user
profile view takes effect when
the user profile is enabled and
the corresponding users are
Refer to
802.1X Configuration
Portal Configuration
in the
Security Volume
for detailed information
about 802.1X authentication and portal authentication.
Applying a QoS Policy to User Profile
After a user profile is created, you need to configure detailed items in user profile view to implement
restrictions on the online users. Currently supported configurations are as follows: