Enabling IPv6 PIM-SM
The SSM model is implemented based on some subsets of IPv6 PIM-SM. Therefore, a router is IPv6
PIM-SSM capable after you enable IPv6 PIM-SM on it.
When deploying an IPv6 PIM-SM domain, you are recommended to enable IPv6 PIM-SM on all
non-border interfaces of routers.
Follow these steps to enable IPv6 PIM-SSM:
To do...
Use the command...
Enter system view
Enable IPv6 multicast routing
multicast ipv6 routing-enable
Disable by default
Enter interface view
interface interface-type
Enable IPv6 PIM-SM
pim ipv6 sm
Disabled by default
All the interfaces of the same device must work in the same IPv6 PIM mode.
For details about the
multicast ipv6 routing-enable
command, see
IPv6 Multicast Routing and
Forwarding Commands
in the
IP Multicast Volume
Configuring the IPv6 SSM Group Range
As for whether the information from an IPv6 multicast source is delivered to the receivers based on the
IPv6 PIM-SSM model or the IPv6 PIM-SM model, this depends on whether the group address in the (S,
G) channel subscribed by the receivers falls in the IPv6 SSM group range. All IPv6 PIM-SM-enabled
interfaces assume that IPv6 multicast groups within this address range are using the IPv6 SSM model.
Perform the following configuration on all routers in the IPv6 PIM-SM domain.
Follow these steps to configure the IPv6 SSM group range:
To do...
Use the command...
Enter system view
Enter IPv6 PIM view
pim ipv6
Configure the IPv6 SSM group
ssm-policy acl6-number
FF3x::/32 by default, here “x”
refers to any legal group scope.