Model 3585A
General Information
Table 1 - 1 . Specifications (Cont'd)
Signal Inputs:
Terminated ( 5017 50) input;
26 dB return loss, DC coupled, BNC connec
tor. Applied dc voltage must be
ten times the RANGE setting in volts for
fu ll specification compliance.
High Impedance ( 1 MO) Input; ± 3010 shunted by < 30 pf, BNC connector
Maximum Input Level:
Terminated ( 5017 50) input; 1 3 V peak ac plus dc, relay protected against
overloads to 42 V peak.
High Impedance ( 1 MO) input; 4 2 V peak ac plus dc ( derate ac by a factor of
two for each octave above 5 M Hz) .
External Reference Input:
1 0 MHz (or subharmonic to 1 M Hz) , 0 dBm to
1 5 dBm/ 50(}
Required frequency accuracy, ± 5 x 1 0-6• When an external reference is used
the ± 1 x 1 0-7 Imonth specification on the Counter and Manual frequency
accuracy is replaced by the accuracy of the external reference.
Tracking Generator:
dBm to - 1 1 dBm/50(} with a single turn knob, continously variable
Frequency Accuracy
± 1 Hz relative to analyzer tuning
Frequency Response
± 0. 7 dB
1 4 dB return loss
Probe Power:
1 5 Vdc, - 1 2 . 6 Vdc; 1 50 ma max.
Suitable for powering HP 1 1 20A Active Probe
External Display
X, Y: 1 volt full deflection;
Z: < OV to
2 . 4 V.
X Axis: minimum of
1 0 Vdc full scale
Y Axis:
1 0 Vdc full scale
Z-penlift output (TTL levels)
3 50 kHz, - 1 1 dBV to - 1 5 dBV at the reference level
1 0 Vdc at the reference level
Frequency Reference:
1 0. 000 MHz ± 1 x 1 0-7/mo. ,
> +
5 dBm into 50(}
1 -7
Summary of Contents for 3585A
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