Operation manual geodyna 2350 - 9413 126
Changing modes of operation
C 6
C 6
to 7
to 6
to 60
to 7
C 7
C 7
to 5.50
to 8
Present limit value
C 8
C 8
C 8
Input: Code/state
Display: Code/state
Code C6
Fig. 76
Number of revolutions per measuring run
5 to 25 revolutions possible,
factory-set to 10*
Example: change to 7 revolutions per measuring run
Reducing the number of measurement revolutions will reduce
the accuracy of measurement. The selected mode of operation
can be transferred to the permanent memory.
Code C7
Fig. 77
Volume of audible signal
Scale of volume 0 to 100 (low - high),
factory-adjusted to 50*
Example: set volume to 60
The volume is not changed before the CODE key is pressed for
quitting the mode.
The selected mode of operation can be transferred to the per-
manent memory.
Code C8
Fig. 78
Selecting the limit (threshold) value for suppression of
minor unbalance readings in grammes, or ounces.
The unit (gms or oz) depends on the settings made by
G/OZ key (C3).
Range 3.50 to 20.0 g
Factory-adjusted to 3.5 g
Read out limit, e. g. 3.50 g
Select another limit, e. g. 5.50 g
Range 0.25 to 2.00 oz
Factory-adjusted to 0.25 oz
Read out limit, e. g. 0.25 oz
Select another limit, e. g. 0.50 oz
The selected mode of operation can be transferred to the per-
manent memory.
* = Factory adjusted mode