Operation manual geodyna 2350 - 9413 126
Hidden spoke placement
To return to the undivided reading of unbalance for left and right
correction plane (Fig. 64):
Briefly press the ALU key (Fig. 61, item 1). The unbal-
ances for left and right correction plane are read out. The
program hidden spoke placement mode is still active as
long as Alu 2, Alu 2P, Alu3 or Alu 3P are set.
To leave the hidden spoke placement and reset the electronics
to the conventional balancing mode:
Press and hold the ALU key.
Rotate the wheel to set a balancing mode other than
Alu 2, Alu 2P or Alu 3, Alu 3P.
In the reading “Wheel data” press twice the key for bal-
ancing mode and set number of spokes to zero.