Maintaining the incubator
Crushed ice or chilled water to be used for the low alarm test. The ice or chilled water will be added to
the test container to slowly lower the temperature of the water.
Hot water to be used for the high alarm test. After the low alarm test has been completed, the hot water
will be added to the test container to slowly raise the temperature of the water.
To test the temperature alarms
Temperature probes are fragile. Handle them with care.
Verify that the temperature controller readout has been calibrated. For calibration instructions, see
Section 7.6, “Calibrating the temperature controller readout.”
Verify that the reading for the upper temperature monitoring probe has been calibrated. For calibration
instructions, see Section 7.7, “Calibrating temperature readings on the i.Center.”
Identify the current settings for the low alarm setpoint and high alarm setpoint. For instructions, see
Section 4.2, “Viewing current settings.”
Prepare the container for testing. Using the room-temperature water, fill the container to a depth of
at least 1 inch (2 cm). Also prepare a separate container with the crushed ice or chilled water, and a
separate container with the hot water.
Remove the probe bracket from the chamber. Loosen the screws for the probe bracket, then slide the
bracket upward. If an agitator is installed, you may need to move it to access the bracket.
(Optional) Remove the upper temperature probe (the longer probe) from the probe bracket. Although
the bracket is designed to allow testing while the probe is installed, you may find that it is easier to test
with the probe removed.
Removing the upper temperature probe from the probe bracket
Near the tip of the probe, unscrew and remove the fitting that secures the probe to the bracket
Gently slide the tip of the probe toward the bracket until the probe is free of the bracket.
Place all three containers near the incubator. Immerse the tip of the upper temperature probe (the
longer probe) in the container of room-temperature water. The temperature on the i.Center display
should be within 1 °C of the chamber setpoint, and there should be no active alarms.
Test the low temperature alarm. While constantly stirring the probe in the container (keeping the tip
immersed) and watching the temperature on the i.Center display, add the ice or chilled water a little
at a time so that the temperature decreases slowly (at a rate of about 0.5 °C per minute). When the
temperature reaches the low alarm setpoint, an alarm should sound and Low Temp should appear on
the i.Center display.
Test the high temperature alarm. While constantly stirring the probe in the container (keeping the tip
immersed) and watching the temperature on the i.Center display, add the hot water a little at a time
so that the temperature increases slowly (at a rate of about 0.5 °C per minute). When the temperature
reaches the high alarm setpoint, an alarm should sound and High Temp should appear on the i.Center