Revision A • 6/06
2 Installation
Pin 2 changes to be a cue switch input that can
be triggered by a computer playback system or by
a remote studio or producer cue switch.
Pin 8 changes to be a ready logic input. This
command is used by peripheral devices to auto-
matically turn off the channel at the end of some
event. When the Off LED CTRL parameter is lit,
the ready command not only turns the channel
off, it also controls the Off button illumination to
indicate that the peripheral is not ready (no Off
button light); is cued and ready to play (Off but-
ton is lit solid); or that the event has been com-
pleted (Off button flashes).
Pins 11 and 5 change to become start and stop
pulse outputs to automatically start or stop/pause
a peripheral device when the channel is turned on
or off. These generate 220 msec contact closures
between pin 6 and pin 11 for a start pulse and pin
6 and pin 5 to generate a stop/pause pulse.
Whether a single or multiple pulse is output de-
pends upon the setting of the Pulse Select param-
Channel Logic I/O and Peripherals
In the basic peripheral logic connection example
on page 2-28, active low logic is used, thus Tally
& Pulse Common is connected to the logic ground
on the peripheral device (labeled Command Com-
mon on the Denon CD player in the example).
In the complex logic example shown on page
2-29, active high logic is used, thus Tally & Pulse
Common connects to +5 VDC.
This voltage is more typically sup-
plied directly by the peripheral device
in order to prevent ground loops, but in
this example the peripheral is using iso-
lated connections.
Peripheral devices can turn off the channel
through the Ready logic input. This input performs
not only an audio reset to turn off the channel,
but it can also control the off button LEDs when
the Off LED parameter is active on that channel.
Otherwise, the off LEDs turn on automatically at
channel off.
Clock-Timer Interface
An external event timer reset command is on
the Clock-Timer PCA (J4, pin 3). It connects to a
studio or external location Event Timer so it can
be reset by the console’s timer reset logic.
This connector also has an external timer reset
input, that is typically not used in this applica-
tion. A momentary low on pin 1 will reset the Event
This connector also has the input for a master
clock signal on pins 5 and 6. This connection is
covered on page 2-9.
Pages 2-27 to 2-30 show the typical connec-
tions and parameter settings for: a mic with a mic
remote panel; a CD player with remote logic; a
computer playback system; and the connections
to a VistaMax audio management system.
To ensure the console and periph-
eral devices are isolated, use only the
isolated control connections. The +5
VDC and logic ground connections are
referenced to the console’s power sup-
ply and ground. These should only con-
nect to isolated devices like mic con-
trol panels or other Harris Accessory
Panels. Connecting these to non-iso-
lated devices may result in a ground
loop between the console and periph-