Revision A • 6/06
4 Linking the NetWave
• Both External Monitor selectors are as-
signed specific VistaMax destinations so
that air monitors or other signals can be
routed to the console. Either, or both, can
be set to use the routed signal in lieu of
the local input connection.
• The four program buses are VistaMax
sources that are available for routing to
any VistaMax destination.
• The cue bus, in stereo, is a VistaMax
source available for routing to any Vis-
taMax destination.
• The Telco Record output is a VistaMax
source available for routing to any Vis-
taMax destination.
• The two Telco mix-minus outputs are also
VistaMax sources, but the routed signals
are dual-channel: one channel is a clean
mix-minus feed, the second is an IFB sig-
nal (the same signal used on the local
mix-minus outputs).
To activate these various new features, the
NetWave console, through its parent VistaMax
or Envoy card frame, must be configured using
Linked NetWave Setup
To set up a newly linked NetWave console,
the correct versions of Community Monitor (CM)
and the VistaMax Control Center (VMCC) must
be installed (as listed on page 4-1) and running
on the VistaMax system’s setup computer; the
NetWave console’s
VistaMax Linked and Vis-
taMax Enabled labels must be lit; and the setup
computer, the NetWave’s parent device, and any
Dual Router TINI cards installed into the Net-
Wave, must all be networked together on the
VistaMax LAN.
To view which version Community Monitor
is being run, click
About. It must be version
3.55 or later. To view which version of VMCC is
being run, click on
Help then About VMCC. Ver-
sion 1.1 (build 2065 or later) must be used. Again,
refer to the customer doc
on the 99-5001 CD-
ROM for information on updating these pro-
This chapter assumes the reader has a work-
ing knowledge of VistaMax terms and proce-
dures and that a VistaMax community has al-
ready been set up and is working properly. Re-
fer to the VistaMax (75-52) or Envoy (75-55)
manuals for general VistaMax system informa-
tion and VMCC software usage. This chapter
builds upon those manuals, presenting specific
information for setting up NetWave consoles for
use in an existing VistaMax system running 500-
series code.
NetWave consoles linked to a VistaMax sys-
tem have these added features:
• Each NetWave channel is assigned a spe-
cific VistaMax destination on its parent
device (the VistaMax or Envoy card frame
with the Hub card that the console con-
nects to). Any A or B channel source can
now use a routed VistaMax signal (even
one with logic) as its input, in addition to
selecting between the local analog and
digital inputs.
• One input from each channel (analog or
digital) is a VistaMax source—regardless
of whether the local input is being used
on the console. This signal can then be
selected and routed to any VistaMax sys-
tem destination, independent of how it is
used on the console.