Revision A • 6/06
1 I n t r o d u c i n g N e t W a v e
Envoy card frames and RMX
d and BMXd con-
soles, comes standard with the NetWave-24; while
an in-line supply (50-27) comes standard with the
NetWave-8 and 16 frame sizes. A 99-1205 supply
can also be used on the smaller NetWave frames.
An optional 90-1995 Power Coupler is avail-
able to allow any NetWave console to be redun-
dantly powered by coupling in a second matching
48-volt supply.
The NetWave has an all-aluminum chassis,
which fully contains all circuit board electronics,
for strength and RFI immunity. To ensure silent
operation, all NetWave parts (console frame, con-
trol panels, console display and power supplies)
are convection cooled—meaning no fans, and com-
pletely silent operation.
All user audio and logic connections are made
from the top rear of the frame. Connector access is
via a removable flip-open cover which hides the
cabling and connectors during normal operation.
Monitor & Output Card:
» Four stereo Program bus outputs (each with
separate analog and AES digital outputs)
» Three stereo analog control room outputs (for
a room monitor amp and for separate host and
guest headphone amps)
» Three stereo analog studio outputs (for a stu-
dio monitor amp and for separate host and
guest headphone amps)
» Two stereo analog External Monitor inputs
» Two mono analog Mix-Minus outputs
Product Overview
NetWave is a low-profile, digitally-controlled,
VistaMax-compatible audio console that sits on
the countertop. Three frame sizes are available,
with 8, 16 or 24 channel slots.
Each NetWave operates as a stand-alone con-
sole but, for maximum flexibility and usability,
can be tied into any VistaMax system (running
500-series code) by installing the optional Link
Activation Kit (99-1425). The kit activates the
built-in VistaMax Link which, via a single CAT-5e
cable, ties the console to a VistaMax or Envoy Hub
card to allow any system source (audio signals or
audio signals with logic) to be routed to any Net-
Wave channel and to the External Monitor inputs.
The VistaMax Link also sends a number of Net-
Wave signals to the VistaMax system including:
one input from each channel (either the local ana-
log or digital input can be chosen); each program
bus output; both mix-minus outputs (which have
both a clean feed and an IFB feed); the two chan-
nel Telco record output; and the stereo cue bus.
These signals can then be routed to any VistaMax
system destination as required.
To further enhance a “Linked” console, an op-
tional Dual Fader panel upgrade, the Dual Router
Kit (99-1424), is also available. This kit adds in
VistaMax source selection ability to both chan-
nels on any Dual Fader panel.
The Reflective Display, with two stereo bargraph
meters (PGM 1 and auxiliary), a clock which can
be slaved to an ESE or a SMPTE master clock
and an Event Timer, is integrated into the frame
behind the control panels. Quad meter display kits
are available for the NetWave-16 (99-1990-16Q)
and for the NetWave-24 (99-1990-24Q) to add
dedicated Program 2 and Program 3 meters.
Two 48-volt power supplies are used with Net-
Wave consoles: a rack mount supply (99-1205),
which is the same one used with VistaMax and
Monitor and Output Card Connections