Temperature Switch TS 2125
The points have the following functions:
funkTIOn (funcTIOn)
Here you can see the mode in which the unit is working. Depending on the
input values T ON and T OFF the output in the function can be as follows:
TemperaTure T1
Here you can see the measured temperature at sensor T1.
T1 mIn/max
Here you can see the minimum and maximum temperature measured at sensor
T1 alarm TImer
Here you can see the input value for the alarm delay. All other menu points are
identical to the points mentioned under „Thermoschalter N1” Thermo-Switch
mOde “ThermOschalTer n1 und n2“
(ThermO-sWITch n1/n2)
In this mode both temperature sensors T1 and T2 can be used. Function and
input are identical to the mode “Thermoschalter N1” (Thermo-Switch N1). oder
eine Umwälzpumpe und ein Bypass-Ventil über Relais an.
mOde “Temp.-dIff.”
In this mode the device can be configured to control temperature differences.
For example for controlling solar heating systems. To do this the temperature
needs to be measured at the solar panel (T1) and in the thermal storage tank
(T2) resulting in a difference in temperature. If a preset value is reached the
circulation pump or other valves can be controlled.