20 G503237E REV.3
When all steps have been completed, press on the Save Configuration File option and continue the setting
with Data Network Settings in the next section
The default values checked are a recommendation from GUINAZ, but the correct configuration of the monitor network settings are responsibility of the installer and the network
manager in the involved building/installation. GUINAZ does not take responsibility for the incorrect setting of the final installation data network.
Setting the Street Panels in P2P MODE
The GUINAZ Smartive monitor includes a menu within the installer settings to set up the street panels for
the existing exterior accesses in the installation, so they can be used with the monitor. Follow the procedure
below in the P2P mode.
1. In the Settings->Installer menu press the icon on screen to edit the configuration file
2. Select the text in section [door stations] and configure the following parameters for EACH exterior access
present in the installation:
3. Select the value “name=” and introduce the chosen name for the exterior access (i.e., "Main Entrance").
4. Select the value “address=” and enter the following text string (as seen in the top image)
“sip:”+”192.168.X.X”+ “:YYYY”+ return key.
192.168.X.X (Street panel IP address in the LAN network)
YYYY (port value used for the communication, default 5060)
5. Select the value “config address=” and enter the same value as the IP address used in the previous field
6. Repeat the steps 3 to 5 for each exterior access in the installation.
Once the configuration is finished, save the changes by pressing the “Save Configuration File” option in the
Installer Menu
Configuration file.
“door stations” section