G503237E REV.3 15
2.3 Smartive Monitor Configuration
Once connected and mounted on the wall base, the monitor installation must be completed by setting all
the SW parameters necessary to be able to establish the SIP communications with the rest of devices
(street panels or Smartive monitors) included in the installation
Each installation has specific features with regards to data network, distances, operation modes, etc. and
the installer must defined and assess them, as well as check their compatibility with the GUINAZ system.
The GUINAZ Smartive monitor and their SIP technology admit two basic operation modes: P2P (local
network) or IPBX (through a VoIP switchboard). The sections below explain step by step all the tasks that
the installer must follow to set up the monitor in one of those two modes.
2.3.1 Installer
Once in the GUINAZ application main menu follow the steps below to enter the device installation mode
through the "Installer Settings" menu
The required authentication code is “3135”
Press the setting icon in the main menu
Press on the "Installer" icon to enter the
setting options