24 G503237E REV.3
The configuration will be done using the following menus:
The audio and video ports are 7078 (audio) and 9078 (video) by default and they cannot be modified from
the linphone settings.
In P2P mode it is not necessary to set up VoIP server accounts or determine servers or proxies because the
calls are made point to point between devices according to the IP addresses entered in the "Configuration
Editor" section.
Linphone parameters back-up
Once the Linphone parameters have been configured, a back-up is required in order to save the current
configuration. The back-up is performed when pressing the button “Linphone Conf. Back up” placed in the
“Installer Options” menu.
IMPORTANT: The back-up of the Linphone parameters after the system configuration is mandatory.
2.3.3 Configuration
IPBX Operation Mode
The GUINAZ Smartive 7" monitor, together with the rest of the IP system products, such as street panels,
can be set up to operate in IPBX mode, connected to a VoIP switchboard (local in the LAN or remote via
internet) using SIP accounts, according to each provider's syntax
WiFi ON/OFF (off by default)
Enable ICE (ON by default)
Enable UPNP (OFF by default)
Enable Random Ports (OFF by
SIP Port (5060 by default)
Protocol (UDP y default)
An IPBX switchboard is a local or remote HW device hosted in the cloud and used as
connection and management node for the VoIP communications between all types of
devices (landlines, mobile phones or any device using SIP technology).
By setting up a SIP account and registering it in the switchboard, these devices can be
interconnected and make audio/video calls to each other, even on different installations
(cities or countries) using the Internet data network.