• Summer 2017
Wall Adapter
Remove panel vertical edge trim on the side facing the wall.
STEP 1: Secure temporarily top bracket to panel vertical member by driving supplied
screw into top hole.
STEP 2: Remove leveler, add supplied nut and lock the bottom bracket between the nut
and the bottom of panels vertical member.
STEP 3: Position levelled panel against the wall and mark the wall (both top and bottom
brackets have notches on either side to indicate anchor location). Use level to mark verti-
cal line on the wall where centre of the panel is going to be, and install wall anchors, not
supplied. The choice of wall anchors depends on the construction and material of the
wall. ( ie. wood, steel, drywall etc..)
Loosen screw holding top bracket just enough to be able to slide the bracket down.
Drive the leveler with the nut out by 25 mm and slide the bottom bracket out.
Secure both brackets to the wall anchors.
STEP 4: Position panel with the screw over the top bracket while making sure that the
leveler is located within the bottom bracket. Adjust leveler while making sure that the top
bracket is seated behind the top screw head.
STEP 5: As soon as the top screw is fi rmly seated in the top bracket level the panel (us-
ing leveler on the opposite side) and tighten the nut on the leveler to secure the bottom