• Summer 2017
When you order easy-Up Overhead for Diet System application, it arrives with
assembled back panel and two handed, extended cantilevers. The actual
installation is very straightforward but there are a few important preparation
Identify workstations where the Overhead Unit is going to be installed and ensure
that panels are leveled, square and properly supported.
The Overhead’s load is distributed down to worksurfaces. Ensure that worksur-
face brackets are properly secured and that each worksurface end or joint is
supported either by a perpendicular panel, pedestal, or a gable leg.
STEP 1: Insert rear lip of the extended cantilever into a vertical groove in panel’s
frame member.
STEP 2: Rotate the cantilever 90o so it becomes perpendicular to the panel.
STEP 3: Ensure that the rubber pad front of the cantilever rests fi rmly on the
STEP 4: If workstation confi guration allows for it, install/re-locate the worksurface
supporting bracket directly beneath the extended cantilever’s front contact point.
Install fl at worksurface bracket between adjacent worksurfaces supported by a
gable leg.
STEP 5: Partially loosen the four acorn nuts at the bottom of the overhead.
STEP 6: Position the overhead above the panel/cantilevers sub-assembly and
lower it so that the cantilever’s “arms” slide between the acorn nuts and the inner
wall of the shelf.
STEP 7: Ensure that the overhead is completely seated on the extended cantilever
and tighten all four acorn nuts.
Check closing and opening door function as well as the door lock.
Overhead storage units are factory assembled and inspected. Tension of the door
mechanism is adjusted in accordance with the size and weight of the door.
Properly adjusted door mechanism will take over the weight of the door and lift
it as soon as the door bottom is moved about 3 1/2”-4” above the bottom of the
shelf. Should there be the need to fi ne-tune the door mechanism, please follow
the Fine Tuning Instructions on the next page
DSADA Easy-Up Diet Overhead