• Summer 2017
Cable Management
Offi ce equipment used with Diet panels can be connected (power and data) to
building’s wall outlets, fl oor monuments (1), or to power and data terminals
under a raised fl oor. A multiple-circuit Viceversa fl oor standing Power tower (2)
could be an effective, semi fl exible way of branching-off power from fl oor monu-
ment or a raised fl oor. Although it is hard-wired to the source, its 6’ of fl exible,
liquid-tight conduit allows for a quick relocation.
When Diet components are used in conjunction with Boulevard panels, the Bou-
levard’s internal power distribution system and data / communication cableways
can serve as the primary, service providing “spine” (3).
When raised fl oors are not available, or when offi ce equipment is to be installed
further away from wall outlets or Boulevard panels, use Viceversa Power towers,
Power clip and surge protected power bar :
Floor-to-ceiling Viceversa Power tower (4) can route a multiple-circuit power and
data / communication cables through ceiling into a point shared by several work
Floor standing Viceversa Power tower or table mounted Power clip (5) can be
plugged into distant wall outlets or branch-off power / data services perpendicu-
larly away from Boulevard panels and shared by stations.
Similarly, a surge protected power bar (6) can be plugged into distant wall outlets
or Boulevard panels and secured to the underside of a worksurface to provide
power to two stations (depending on specifi c power requirements of individual
Utilize internal capacity of Boulevard panel raceway to organize excess of cable,
use horizontal and leg cable managers integrated into Viceversa tables, or
optional cable manager for Diet panels. The diet panel cable manager attaches to
the bottom of full height Diet panel, or to the bottom of mid rail on Diet panels
without bottom fabric area.