• Summer 2017
Gable leg can be assembled on site in a left or right confi guration. If the top plate / leg
assembly does not fi t your needs as shipped, follow these steps:
STEP 1: Loosen the large head screw fi rst.
STEP 2: Completely remove two smaller ones.
STEP 3: Rotate the top plate to the second position.
STEP 4: Replace the two screws and tighten the large head screw. The depicted
confi guration (left) will be installed under front left corner of a worksurface. Panel-leg
plate is symmetrical so it also can be used for left or right confi gurations.
STEP 5: Place panel-leg plate fl ange with round holes into leg’s groove, align fl ange
holes with the holes in the leg.
STEP 6: Secure with supplied, thread forming screws. Ensure that all panels are level.
Drive supplied machine screws partially into two screw anchor plates while making
sure that the screws do not protrude on the opposite side of the anchor plate.
STEP 7: While holding the screw / anchor subassembly by the screw head, insert the
anchor into the panel vertical side groove from the bottom. Slide the anchor up the
groove, locate it over the upper hole within the groove (just below worksurface level).
STEP 8: Turn the screw carefully so it is fi tted loosely inside of this hole. Slide the
second anchor over the lower hole and secure temporarily with the screw.
STEP 9: Position panel-leg plate fl ange with keyholes over pre-installed, loose screws
(now resting in panel’s vertical groove) and press down to ensure that both screws
are fi rmly seated in the key holes.
STEP 10: Tighten the anchor screws from the inside of the panel-leg plate and adjust
leg’s leveler. Install worksurface universal brackets along the rear edge of the worksur-
face as described on page 8. Use supplied screws to secure worksurface to the
STEP 11: A single gable leg can be shared to support two worksurfaces. Follow
the above procedures, but install the gable leg in the vertical of an adjacent panel.
As a simple guide, install a “Left” confi gured gable leg in the left adjacent panel
and install a “Right” confi gured gable leg in the right adjacent panel. Although the
illustration shows a left leg, the actual gable leg confi guration (left or right) does
not matter for the leg sharing application.
Gable Leg / Shared Gable Leg