CS875-575-375-275-175 Installers Manual with CS5500 keypad
Dialler Output Level
A menu option that sets the volume of the output tone. The Dialler Output
Level can only be used in combination with the stand-alone ISDN dialler
Dialler Abort Delay
A menu option that creates a delay, programmed in seconds, in reporting an
alarm to the central station.
Listen-in Time
A menu option that sets the length of time the central station can listen for
sounds of intrusion by means of microphones at the alarm site.
Send Restores
A menu entry that groups restore report options. Each option specifies a time
at which the restore report is sent to the central station. Restores can be sent
As They Occur, At Disarm or For Zones On Siren Timeout.
At Disarm
A menu option that sends a restore report to the central station when a code is
entered to disarm the system.
For Zones On Siren Timeout
A menu option that sends a restore report to the central station when the siren
times out.
A menu entry that groups options used to control download sessions between
the up/download software and the control panel.
Call Back Number
A menu option that specifies the telephone number that the control panel dials
if the Call Back Req’d option is enabled.
Access Code
A menu option that specifies the eight-digit access code sent by the up/
download software to the control panel. The panel permits downloading to
occur when it receives this code.
Call Back Reqd
A menu option that controls access of the up/download software to the control
panel. When the software calls the control panel, the panel answers the call
and then hangs up. After approximately 36 seconds, the panel calls the
software back.
Rings to Answer
A menu option that sets the number of rings that must occur before the panel
answers to start a download session. If the value is 0, the panel will never pick
up the phone line.
Answer Machine Defeat
A menu entry used to defeat an answering machine. If two-call Answer
Machine Defeat AMD is enabled, two telephone calls are required to defeat
the answering machine. On the first call, the phone rings once or twice. The
control panel detects the rings and starts a 45-second timer. During this timer,
the control panel answers the next call on the first ring. This is not
recommended for commercial applications.
Call PC on Autotest
A menu option that allows the panel to use call back when the central station
performs an autotest. After the test report is delivered to the central station, the
panel calls the up/download software using the call back phone number.
Actions, such as upload event log and download phone numbers, can be
selected in the up/download software.
Require Code for Download
A menu option that requires a user code to be entered before downloading can
A menu entry that groups options that lock certain system functions.
System Shutdown
A menu option that allows the up/download software to shutdown the control
panel. This option can be set only from the up/download software. The
shutdown LCD message is shown to explain the reason for the shutdown.
During shutdown the system is completely inactive. It is not possible to arm/
disarm the system and no reports or sirens are activated.
Local Programming
A Communications menu option that disables the installer menu. This option
can be set only through the up/download software.