CS875-575-375-275-175 Installers Manual with CS5500 keypad
ranges from 0-31, with 99 as unknown. If an RSSI reading is not satisfactory, move the antenna to get a better
reception. The following steps explain how to read the RSSI value.
Navigate with the
keys to
CS7002 GPRS module>Options>GSM>RSSI Value
and press
Note the RSSI reading.
Navigate with the
keys to
Status Check
and press
Scroll through the status messages to ensure the SIM card is logged onto the GSM network and the SIM card
PIN is not blocked.
13.3.2 Reporting
The CS7002 contains six report controls which can use four report destinations. You can configure the events to
be reported and specify two reporting destinations for each report control. Two of these can be SMS, two can be
TCP/IP. The backup destination, which is used if there is a dialler problem, should be another dialler, for example
All events in Report Control 1 are enabled by default.
The module can send primary, secondary and backup reports. Primary reports
Primary reports are the main means of reporting the selected events.
Set a report control to
Report When>Report Always
Select the event group for each partition.
Select the report destination and report format. CS7002 as backup for another dialler
The CS7002 reports the event when the control panel or other dialler fails to report. CS7002 backup format (SMS / GPRS)
Control panel
The report control monitors the control panel and reports the selected events if the control panel fails to report
Set a report control to
Report When>Control Dialler Problem
Program the first report destination and report format.
The CS7050 is a TCP/IP auxiliary dialler. The CS7501 is an ISDN dialler. When either fails to report, it sends an
expansion event which the CS7002 reports.
Set a report control to
Report When>Report Always
Enable Test Report events only.
Program the first report destination and ensure the CS7002 report format is the same as that used by the
CS7050. CS7002 backup format (audio reporting)
Control panel
The control panel can send reports using GSM audio instead of PSTN. Alternatively, it can be configured to use
both GSM audio and PSTN.
Configure reporting on the control panel.
Enter 'G' at the start of the phone number to use the GSM instead of the PSTN to dial the phone number.
to enter 'G' on a CS5500 keypad or press
on a CS-LCD or CS-LED keypad.