CS875-575-375-275-175 Installers Manual with CS5500 keypad
18.3.1 Programming tasks
You can perform all available programming tasks using the UDx75 software. Table 18-2:
UDx75 menu paths
shows the UDx75 menu path for each task.
Table 18-2: UDx75 menu paths
UDx75 menu option
Adding customer notes
Adding operators
Program>Setup>Add/Change operators
Backing up the database
Tools>Backup database
Changing a customer record
View>Customers>Single customer
Changing a master or operator password
Program>Change password
Changing operator rights
Program>Setup>Add/Change operators
Changing the additional phone settings
View>Control panel (Additional phone settings tab)
Changing the communicator codes
Advanced>4+2 Codes
Changing the download options
Program>Setup>Download options
Changing the partitions
View>Control panel (Partition tab)
Changing the report settings
View>Control panel (Phone numbers tab)
Changing the system 1 settings
View>Control panel (System 1 tab)
Changing the system 2 settings
View>Control panel (System 2 tab)
Changing the system 3 settings
View>Control panel (System 3 tab)
Changing the UDx75 settings
Program>Setup>Program setup
Changing the user arm/disarm codes
View>Control panel (Codes tab)
Compacting the database
Tools>Compact database
Connecting via the modem
Download>Connect >Connect or Download>Connect >Connect using
Connecting via the serial port
Download>Connect>Direct connect
Copying a customer’s panel settings
Program>Setup>Copy options
Deleting a customer record
View>Customers>Single customer
Deleting the event log
Download>Event log>Delete Event log
Download>Send all
Downloading and updating the device list
Download>Device list>Enroll devices
Downloading the event log
Download>Event log>Read entire log
Exporting a database
Tools>Export database
Importing a database
Tools>Import database
Loading the default settings
Advanced>Default Control data
Logging in
Printing a customer record list
Program>Print preview>Customer list
Printing a program log
Program>Print preview>Program log
Printing a programming worksheet
Program>Print preview>Programming worksheet