Each discrete output has a colored circle and a checkbox associated with it. The colored circle
shows the current state of the discrete output. Green indicates that the discrete output is active
and grey indicates that the discrete output is not active. The checkbox associated with each
discrete output can be used to turn the output on or off. If Direct Board Control mode is enabled,
clicking on the checkbox can be used to enable / disable the discrete output. When a discrete
output is switched on, confirm that the associated hardware (relay or solenoid) does indeed
switch on, either by sound or by visual means (e.g. indicator at DCS for relays, flow meter
indication for solenoids).
4.6 Factory Menu
menu is used to set a variety of factory-related parameters. It consists of only page, the
Factory Setup
page, which is shown in Figure 51.
Figure 43: Factory Setup
The Factory Setup page consists of a set of buttons which can be used for a variety of purposes. The
function of each button is described in Table 18.
Table 18: Factory Setup Parameters
Reset to Default
Used to reset the AccuLase-GPA™ configuration to the factory default
Download Archive
File From Analyzer
Used to download the analyzer’s archive data in a Galvanic-proprietary file
Wipe Archive Data
Used to wipe all records from the analyzer’s on-board data storage memory.
Reset Password
Used to reset analyzer passwords to the factory default
Change Password
Used to change analyzer passwords to a customer-chosen value.