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To reset SGS back to hand-tapped entry, just hold the SLICE button for 1 second, then re-enter Slice Select and
SGS mode.
*Note: A maximum of 192 clocks (24 8-clock bars) can be recorded at once, after that it'll roll and over-write.
This may be useful if left recording to recall the last 24 1/8 step bars, or 12 1/16 step bars when switched
over to SGS play (tap REC button)
Clock Playing "Hand-Tapped" SGS sequences:
Once a "clock" has been introduced to the SLICE input during SGS play, SGS will switch over to, and become
dependant on a clock signal until exited out of SGS and Slice Play. (Holding Slice button > 1 second)
A hand tapped sequence can be played via clock input, but each note will play on each clock, with total disregard to
the timing in the original hand tapped version.
This can be useful for getting in a quick sequence (if you count the "notes") and can be done slowly if desired. Also
a single clock can be fed into the SL.PLY input so you just have to select the Slices, but this seldom turns out well!
* Triggered and CV SGS record/play will still work as before, but as before is not quantized to ClockDiv so good
reflexes are required! It's far easier just to make a Clocked SGS Sequence
Why would I want to "Record" a Sequence in SGS?
Because the SGS can record a sequence of 4/8/12/16+ steps, and have an offset applied, it can become a worry-
free rotating sequencer that repeats over long periods, while freeing up the same sequencer for other things.
AN LFO can be used with a clock, split to act as a trigger and create proper length sequences without a sequencer.
REC CLK output during timed SGS playback:
Switching the REC T/F/C jack to CLK will switch to an output during Timed SGS Playback (Hand-tapped). A useful
clock is derived from the rhythm to have tapped in, and is based on X/4 timing between 60 and 120 BPM. "X" is
your ClockDiv setting 1-16. So if ClockDiv is set to 8, and the derived beat is 110BPM, then 220 BPM will be sent as
an even clock. This clock uses the first tap of your sequence to align the first clock or "beat", which makes it great
to drive a kick drum, or a sequencer.
If the SGS is being clocked or triggered, then the slices themselves will output triggers instead of a clock (as it's
already present at the source right?) After the recorded trigger is removed, the trigger output will continue as
long as a clock is present.
Because of these features, the Reflex LiveLoop can be used without any audio as just a tap-tempo (hand tapped),
or trigger recorder that will follow any clock.
Stutter inside PlayFX:
To enter Stutter mode while running PlayFX, hold P.SEL as usual.
To avoid conflicts with the knobs, Stutter won't be applied until the knob(s) are fully over to the left, at which
point stutter will become active for that knob.
Tapping P.SEL during Stutter will toggle it to fine/coarse Stutter as usual.
Exiting Stutter mode inside PlayFX will not STOP Stutter, rather just shifts knob's focus to PlayFX control.
*Exiting PlayFX will also exit Stutter. If Stutter is already running when entering PlayFX it will continue.
S G-Move Update:
Stutter Mode will now run inside of a G-Move PlayFX offering yet another way to twist a sample/Slice. It works
the same way as for PlayFX S/E and P/S modes above, and can toggle fine/coarse for both stutter and G-Move.
Enter G-Move and adjust accordingly, then hold P.SEL to toggle into Stutter mode. The knobs won't become active
for Stutter control until zeroed (CCW) as a safety feature. Holding P.SEL again will toggle out of Stutter, but
Stutter will remain active as you adjust the G-Move settings again!
To stop stutter, either turn it's knobs fully CCW, or hold PLAY to exit G-Move, which will exit Stutter mode.