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--V.1.03A (Aug 30 2016) Features and Updates include:--
-some great improvements to Slice handling, better PlayFX response with Slices and 1-Shot Slice play, as well as
Slice Modifier being able to "grow" a Slice if desired. Also, SGS (Slice Groove Sequencer) is now clock-able by
simply inputting a clock signal (or any trigger, even non-uniform!) to SLICE input while a SGS is playing. All steps of
the sequence will happen on clock pulses only, allowing pause/stop/speed changes.
In addition to the new SGS configuration, Sequences can now be recorded into SGS using the mentioned clock
signal, another trigger or gate on SL.PLY, and a CV from your sequencer to SL CV input. The SGS record time is
synced every 1-16 clocks, so can be set to be 8 to 196 steps long (if your clock divider is set to 8 for example)
Bugs have been fixed, the new mode "Stutter" has been added to be controllable inside PlayFX using "knob
takeover" methods so settings aren't inadvertently changed when switching between Stutter & PlayFX controls.
Finally, Stutter will now work inside of G-Move.
Slice Stop (1-Shot) play on all Sequentially created Slices
*This mode of operation supercedes previous "trigger only" 1-Shot Slice playing.
Sequential Slices: (1-Shot)
Any Slice that is created during a Record Only, or R/P Play, will be considered a Sequential Slice. Sequential Slices
will always play as a 1-Shot when Slice LOOP is on. They will Play through when LOOP is off.
If the Record or R/P Play is ended/stopped (by holding REC button) the 1-Shots will stop to silence.
If the Record is switched to Play or Echo/Delay, then 1-Shot Slices will fall back to the playing RP Sample.
Looping Slices:
Any Slice created from an Echo/Infinite Echo, Layer Play/Layer, a PlayFX loop, or another Slice that is also a
Looping Slice, will not 1-Shot, but instead will continually loop when the Slice LOOP is on. This can be useful with
certain types of Slices that are created within a time domain (like echo) and will always reflect that time domain.
This is the original way Slices worked before 1-Shot Slices came along!
*Slices created from Slices will inherit the type of Slice for the new "baby" Slices.
PlayFX (ST/END & POS/SIZE) on 1-Shot Slices
During play back of 1-Shot Slices (Slice LOOP on), if PlayFX is turned on, all following Slices will have the PlayFX
applied to it, but still will only 1-Shot. If Slices are being played via external trigger, then PlayFX PLAY button will
"arm" the FX for the next Slice to be triggered, which helps keep sync with incoming clocks.
This can be quite useful for just changing a single slice in a sequence, such as reversing, or shortening Slice play.
*If PlayFX LOOP is off, it must play out before ending/exiting PlayFX. If a new Slice plays it will re-start and stay
active until either a knob is moved to shorten the PlayFX time, or it is manually exited/stopped.
*If PlayFX LOOP is on, PlayFX stays on until LOOP is turned off, or a PLAY Gate falls low. All Slices will be played
with PlayFX applied, and will act as 1-Shot even as PlayFX remains on.
PlayFX on a Slice Sequence (or just hand played) can be used shorten or reverse slices, and used with a CV signal
(from LFO, Env, Seq) on the End/Size input, these dynamics can be changed as a sequence progresses.
*While Slice LOOP is off, the Slices will no longer play as 1-Shots, and PlayFX will loop the Slice as if is a Loop
Slice playing through. (See Slice Modifier below)
*Note: G-Move on 1-Shot Slices will continue and not exit with the 1-Shot, but will "arm" for the next Slice, and
responds as usual to a Gate input.
Tight Echo Slicing:
The Reflex LiveLoop can still Slice tight echo's (<100mS) but will be treated as a 1-Shot Slices when played with
Slice LOOP on. (Previously, this just created a buzz) This can do some cool stuff, especially if the Karplus Strong
tones were varied, but for nice long tones, turning off Slice LOOP so it can play through is far better.