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VI. Slicing
Slicing is probably one of the most powerful features of the Reflex LiveLoop. It can divide up a long sample into
useable parts that can be more easily manipulated by PlayFX and related CV's and triggers. Myself, I couldn't
imagine a sampler without slicing!
Slices can be created while recording, while echoing, while Layering, playing a loop, from a PlayFX playing, or even
from other Slices (as a Slice copy function).
Slice Controls and Inputs
The controls involved with Slicing are mostly inside the white button's section, with exception
to the Rate Knob, which is used to select the first 16 slices for play manually, or to add as a
Slice # offset to the SL.CV input.
To Play a Slice, SLICE SEL must be tapped to toggle between:
P LED on: Rate Knob becomes a 16 Slice Selector
White Slice Button is tapped to play a Slice
P LED off: Rate Knob returns to controlling a sample rate.
White Slice Button is tapped to create a Slice
LOOP LED is turned on or off by holding the Loop button (not shown) for more than 1 sec.
SL.CV is a 0-5V CV input that will select a slice based on # of Slices/5 per Volt. So if there
are 20 slices, then SL.CV will access then as 4 per volt. The Slice Select 1-16 can offset up to
16. If a slice is selected that is beyond the maximum Slices, then it will roll and add.
SL.PLY is a trigger input that will trigger the play of a Slice, regardless of SLICE SEL mode.
SLICE t/g is a trigger input that will create a slice on each trigger. This can be useful for making small slices that
will match/sync a sequence or master clock.
It is triggered at 0.7 volts and fast, so can slice from unlikely sources, like a piezo (drum pedal) or even raw audio.
P LED indicates SLICE SEL mode, the Rate knob is a Slice Selector, and the Slice button triggers Slice Play.
R LED indicates Creation of a Slice (flash) or Slice Sequencer Record mode (sect. C. below)
RP Mode Dependency
The way a Slice is created depends on the RP Mode, and the
step of the RP mode (record/play/echo etc)
Slices created during:
Initial Record (all modes): will start at the record point, and end at the start of the next slice created
Echo Mode: will make a Slice from point of Slicing, which will end/loop 1 echo later.
Layer Mode Playing: will make Slice from point of play, and end one Layer cycle later inside same Layer
R/P Mode: will make sequential slices (as with initial record) with each Slice button/trigger during play.
This makes R/P Mode the best method to create sequential Slices, one after the other.
Slices can be created from a very tight echo, but will play as 1-Shot Slices. Slice LOOP can be turned off to play
the Slices through, which is usually more pleasing when created from such a flowing reverb!
PlayFX Dependency
If a Slice is created from a PlayFX (while playFX is playing) it will always start at the same point as PlayFX does
when tapping the PlayFX button. It makes an exact duplicate of PlayFX making it a powerful "index" for many (up to
400!) different PlayFX sounds. In G-Move, only a single Grain is captured (as if it were frozen at center) but using
Record can capture a full G-Move. See end of last section (Sect.V. page 29)
Stopping Slice Play
The only way to stop a Slice from Playing (and exit back to RP sample or PlayFX) is to hold the White Slice button
for just over 1 second. The Green P LED will go out upon button release.
Erasing Slices
To erase all Slices, press and hold the White button for over 4 seconds. All of the LED circle will flash.
Slice Clock Trigger Output
If REC T/F/C trigger input is switched to CLK, slice loops will output a trigger pulse that can be used to sync other
modules to the Reflex LiveLoop! The TRIG LED will flash to indicate a trigger output.
If in SGS (Slice Groove Sequencer) mode, a derived Clock will be output instead. See Sect. C. in this chapter.