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** If playing Peak Sliced Slices, it may be necessary
to move the PlayFX STart or POSition slightly up to
hear the very beginning. This of course depends on
your BackSlice setting and sample.
Memory Erase
On rare occasions, you may want to initialize and delete the entire sample memory to have a clean slate.
For example, the new POS/SIZE PlayFX no longer "scrunches" into the loop end, it can play over the loop limit. If in
echo this isn't an issue, but in R/P mode and even Layer Mode it's possible to run into "old" recordings, or just dead
(unrecorded) space.
To erase the entire memory, press and hold the SLICE button and the REC button together. All of the LED circle
will light as when erasing Slices, but for about 2 seconds.
Make sure there's no (or little) audio coming into the AC inputs at this time as a sample of the ADC is taken and
duplicated through the whole memory, creating an offset voltage if there's anything other than 0 volts on the
input. This method had to be used to ensure upward compatibility with the proposed Expander module (ReFleXp1),
which has DC sampling for a 2 channel CV recorder built in.
PlayFX with Slice Play Triggering (new for V.1.03)
A very recent addition is the handling of PlayFX on a Slice that is being played via a trigger (SL.PLY)
If the Slices are being played with a trigger (or in an SGS sequence) and PLAY button is tapped, then PlayFX will
wait for the next trigger. This allows good synchronization with the incoming triggers.
A tap on the PlayFX button will "Arm" PlayFX for the next triggered Slice Play. That Slice will be played with the
PlayFX applied to it at the SL.PLY trigger point.
This is great for reversing a single Slice, or truncating it to a shorter length just once, or continuously.
Assuming Slice LOOP = on:
Loop Slices (Non-1-Shot -created from PlayFX, Echo, or Layer in progress):
-If PlayFX LOOP is off, PlayFX will exit to present Slice and start playing it. This can be useful for creating
"doubles" of a slice within the trigger time, or half reversing into a forward playing slice (nice effect!)
If the next trigger happens before PlayFX ends/exits, PlayFX will be applied to this Slice, and won't exit.
-If PlayFX LOOP in on, PlayFX will begin on Slice trigger, but then continue until either LOOP is turned off, or
the PLAY button is held. This looping will change and
start with each new Slice triggered, which is great
for tiny loops that change with each Slice.
1-Shot Slices (created from Record or R/P Play)
-If PlayFX LOOP is off, PlayFX will exit when done,
but will get the present Slice and start playing it. As mentioned above, this can be a useful effect, especially if
reversing and using a trigger on the PLAY input.
-If PlayFX LOOP is on, PlayFX will just stop when done, and exit to RP sample play, or silence if there is no RP
sample playing. This acts the same way as just playing a 1-shot Slice, except with a PlayFX on it.
*G-Move will not exit this way and needs to be manually stopped, or Gated (PLAY T/F/G set to G) off.
PlayFX can be applied to a Slice about to play by the same trigger as the Slice (SL.PLY) or another trigger so only
certain Slices are PlayFX'ed. This makes sequencing 1-shot Slices extremely flexible.
Because PlayFX with PlayFX LOOP off exits then plays the Slice after exiting, it will also play any Slice that is
being selected, while playing the Same Slice that was last played with SLICE button or SL.PLY trigger.
Assuming Slice LOOP = off:
Everything above applies when the Slices are set to Play-through, meaning 1-Shot Slices don't stop at the end of
the Slice, and Looping Slices don't loop at their end points.
Using PlayFX with Slice LOOP off captures the whole remaining Slice area to use in PlayFX. While this can be
useful for Modifying a Slice to a larger size, or completely different area of the sample, it can be confusing to use
when in PlayFX Start/End and the knobs are set so it plays in reverse. If set to the extremes, the reverse play will
always start from the same spot, the highest Slice in memory. If set mid-way, then there will be variation
depending on the position the Slice is in relative to the highest Slice.
In reverse, you'll find the Start/End knobs will be mostly CCW, at which point you can switch to Fine PlayFX to set
the range. In a Slice Sequence, it's a nifty switch from Slice LOOP on to Slice LOOP off, but totally unpredictable!
Adding a LFO to PlayFX Start input (or End) with PlayFX LOOP on can nicely cycle forward/reverse while still
sequencing. As to whether it sounds good depends on your samples/slices.