IL3 User’s Guide
page 58
camera to record the post-trigger frames, thereby completing the recording. When the recording is
complete the captured video is automatically opened in Review mode.
button returns you to Live mode. If the camera is currently recording, there will be a warning
message that proceeding will result in loss of unsaved video. If the camera is in Review mode,
pressing the Live button will bring up an information box telling you that you are leaving Review and
entering Live mode, but that captured video will remain in the camera until it is re-armed.
When in
Mode, the Live and Review buttons act as a toggle between Live and Review. The
current recording is not deleted until the camera is Armed or powered down.
6-8 Review Tab
When in Review Mode, the Review Tab will open and the Playback controls will appear beneath the
Image window.
Note: While in Review, the image may be adjusted using the controls in the Display Settings Tab. See
“6-6 Display Settings Tab” on page 57.
The Play buttons, which only appear when the mouse cursor is brought over them, have the same
functions as on Fas
otion (see “Table 4-3: Playback Control” on page 35), except that the Cut-In
and Cut-Out points are entered by editing the Clipping Range boxes or by adjusting the slider between
them. The clipping range is then used, as it is on the camera GUI for both playback and while saving to
mass storage.
Figure 6-12: Web-App Review and Save