February 2017
Tank Setup
Span: The range that the valve will use proportional control over when rate is close to target. When past
this percentage, the full voltage will be applied. This will prevent a large voltage being applied to make a
small change in the valve. 20% is good starting point
Dead band: The range where the system will apply no voltage to the valve. This will stop the valve from
being worked constantly when the desired rate is achieved. It is highly recommended that this value is set
above 10% to increase valve life.
Time Constant (Smooth Factor): The time in which the monitor will try and control to a new desired rate
(i.e. when changing rates).The lower the time, the quicker the rate will change. The higher the value, the
longer the rate will take to change to the new desired application rate. Suggest 0.5 as a good starting point.