DTC1000Me-1250e-4250e-4500e Card Printer Service Manual PLT-01543 rev 1.0
November 2013 76
Step Procedure
The module is now ready to replace any of the following parts:
Flipper Table with gear and rollers (D930611)
Stepper Motor (E001192) with Gear connects to J5
Stepper Motor (E001192) Cable (D930610)
PCB Output Controller-Main Board (D930503)
Lead Screw Assembly (D930155) used for SHORT Module
Lead Screw Assembly (D930176) used for TALL Module
Lead Screw Assembly Gear used for both Short and Tall (D930106)
Headlift Sensor & cable (D900113) connects to J3 HOME
IR Sensor Pair include Detector (Upper & Lower sensor with cable connects to J4 CARD)
Both IR sensors connect to ONE cable and are replaced at the same time.
(D930609 used for SHORT Module. D930614 used for TALL Module)
Ribbon Cable (D930611) connects Flipper to printer