Com.X Administrator Guide
Page 123 Phonebook
To choose an entry in the phonebook as a destination, first configure the phonebook
entries and then select the appropriate entry from the options menu for the
phonebook destination.
3.11.5 Deleting an inbound route
To delete an inbound route, select Delete from the route's context menu.
3.12 FlexPath configuration
The innovative Com.X FlexPath feature is extremely powerful and allows flexible
routing, trunk to trunk routing, gateway and class of service capabilities. FlexPaths
allow grouping of call sources into contexts (paths) which can be associated with
outbound routes, inbound routing tables, transformations, destinations, etc.
FlexPaths are not required for many typical PBX configurations, but are extremely
useful for special routing needs, gateway configurations, partitioning and other
Fundamentally, the FlexPath feature provides customisable call handling through
hand crafted routing paths.
To access FlexPath, select Configuration from the Start menu, and then the
FlexPath panel.
3.12.1 FlexPath Fundamentals
Every SIP or FXS Extension Port, FXO, BRI or PRI Trunk and VoIP Provider Trunk is
a candidate for FlexPath routing.
In the FlexPath configuration panel, all these ports are displayed in a tree structure in
the right hand column of the screen, along with the selected routing path for each
port. By default, no FlexPaths are defined and every port is displayed with the
“default” path.
A port configured as “default” will route as follows:
FXS, SIP phone port – routed as internal extensions, i.e. access to internal
destinations and Outbound routes.
FXO, BRI, PRI, VoIP trunks – routed as inbound, i.e. access to Inbound
routes and DID mapped extensions only
In order to change the default routing, one or more FlexPaths are created, and one or
more extension ports or trunks are “placed into the FlexPath”. A port that is mapped
to a flexpath is indicated in the tree on the right as <port name> -> <flexpath name>
instead of <port name> -> default. Right clicking on the port text allows selection of
default or any of the configured FlexPaths.
An extensions port or trunk assigned to a particular FlexPath follows the routing rules
of that FlexPath instead of the default routing as described above.
FlexPaths are also available as destinations for Inbound routes (on the Inbound
panel) – i.e. custom FlexPath routing can be applied after initial Inbound routing. In
this case, the trunk port will typically be assigned to the default routing context to
enable normal Inbound handling.
Each FlexPath has the following:
A name and description
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Far South Networks