Com.X Administrator Guide
Page 78
any .rom file in this field will install the selected firmware on
the device.
Accept and Review/Apply your configuration changes. Provisioning via Spreadsheet based configuration
For larger installations, featuring several sip endpoints,spread sheet provisioning is a
very powerfull tool. Various fields are configurable on the spreadsheet and will be
automatically added to the configuration of the phones, once the Com.X detects
them. Adding hardware via spreadsheet
To add hardware via spreadsheet, first prepare a spreadsheet containing your
handsets, extension numbers and settings (voicemail, DNS, NAT etc).
Navigate to Options and select Spreadsheet the import. Browse for your spreadsheet
file and select ok.
A sample spreadsheet for you to work from is available at:
Note: The fields listed in the spreadhseet can vary and not all options need be
configured. It is recommended that anyone using spreadhseets to configure phones
first manually add a few managed sip phones to a unit and then export a
spreadhseet of the configuration, which can be used as a template for all future
configurations. See Section for details on exporting a spreadsheet.
Figure 76: Options to import or
export hardware spreadsheet files.
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Far South Networks